This questionnaire is designed so that mentors can verify the authenticity and qualifications of mentees.
Name:____________________________. Phone number(s): ___________________________________.
Email address _________________________________________________________________________.
Home Address: ________________________________________________________________________.
Employer: ____________________________________________________________________________.
Employer phone number and contact person: _______________________________________________.
Mentee category: _____________________________________________________________________.
Years experience in category: ______________. Description of experience and what you want to learn. ___________________________________________________________________________________________.
Other Comments:
Site training: What type of site training” experience” can the mentee access? What specifically does the mentee want to learn on site and in what timeframe?
Skills Training: Are there specific skills that would be helpful for the mentee to learn? What are they? What timeframe is reasonable for the mentee to learn them in?
Emotional Training: What emotions does the mentee need to build on or release? (Build: confidence, gratitude, attention to detail, perseverance, persistence, patience, etc. Release: anger, frustration, resentment, envy, vengeance, etc.)
How are your communication skills? How could they improve?
How is your Thinking Ahead Big Picture processing working?
What’s one thing or skill you want to improve in the next 3 months? _____________________________________________________________________________________
What we focus on expands! …Les Hewitt (business coach, author-The Power of Focus)