Shared experiences are part of the successful mentor–mentee relationship. Good mentors have many qualities that help establish a successful bond.
- Already experienced what mentees need help with at this point in their lives.
- Reflected on and learned from their experiences.
- Successfully passed through the decision-making process for the issues at hand.
- Made a commitment to help others.
- Ask many questions before offering advice so they are clear on the exact situation or circumstance.. Mentors’ overall objective is to get mentees to think carefully about their concerns.
- Respect mentees’ need to do what is right for them.
- Understand that mentees make wiser decisions when they see more options.
- Listen to their mentees’ stories or concerns and provide different points of view so that mentees see more options.
- Provide enough guidance for mentees to recognize several options before making a decision about their situation.
- Offer support and information, though not necessarily advice. Mentors’ support might come in the form of a simple gesture of approval, or it may be a willingness to set aside extra time to share ideas, experience and skill.
- Not be concerned with having mentees follow their advice. They want to help mentees find solutions that are right for them
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