Seeking mentor

a84b03e3 asked 4 years ago
Mike Garska Staff replied 4 years ago

Read the emails we send you. Make an ad to find a mentor or mentee. Search the database to see if there’s someone you can start a connection with. Google search the kind of mentor you’re looking for. Consider building a mastermind team, or group of people, with the same goals as you. Be proactive in your learning and seeking out information in as many ways as you can think of. Write your goals, action items and timelines down, and share them with a trusted person who will encourage you, as well as give you constructive feedback. Report on your progress to that person.

a84b03e3 replied 4 years ago

Where do I go from here or what should I expect next

2 Answers
bae660ec answered 3 years ago

If you are seeking for a mentor you can visit
